GEORGIA - 70.99 %

Select Year
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) Archive of Georgia - 73.13%
  • The National Archives of Georgia - 68.85%

Main archival institution in Georgia is the National Archives of Georgia which unites 4 central and about 20 regional archives. The archives are under supervision of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Total items preserved in archives are about 4 million items (delos).

Second most important archival institution is the Ministry of Internal Affairs Archive. The National Center of Manuscripts also holds important historical documents.

Information on the Assessed Archives

The National Archives of GeorgiaThe modern archives in Georgia were established on April 23, 1920, based on the Law on Establishment of the Republic’s Central Scientific Archive, issued by the Democratic Republic of Georgia.

On July 1, 1921, the Revolutionary Committee of Georgia issued a Decree on Reorganization of the Archival Affairs, which remained in effect for the following 70 years.

From 2004, the archival institution was under the subordination of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia – as the State department of Archives of Georgia.

The National Archives of Georgia (Legal Entity of Public Law) was formed on March 12, 2007 by the Minister of Justice and is responsible for state control of archival and clerical work, and development of the national archival fund.


The Archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia unites two archives: Archive of the State Security Committee of the Georgian SSR (KGB Archive) and Archive of Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Georgian SSR (Party Archive).

A major part of KGB Archive (about 80%) was destroyed during Tbilisi Civil War in 1991-1992. The Party Archive keeps academically processed and published materials on the history of Georgia’s Communist state bodies.



Population - 3.7 million
Area - 69.700 km²
State / Central Archives - 13
Regional And Departmental Archives - 10